“Atomic bonsai” – tai kelionių agentūra, organizuojanti keliones miniatiūrinių atominių bombų stebėtojams. Šiuo metu agentūros puslapis rekonstruojamas, senoji internetinė svetainė – atomicbonsai.com.
Šiuo metu kuriamas interjeras agentūros ofisui, greitu laiku bus galima pamatyti keliautojų videoreportažus bei atsiliepimus apie keliones.
Atomic bonsai
The scale of atomic bombs explosions is dreadful for its highly negative outcome. Nevertheless, nuclear testings are always being observed and recorded from a safe distance. The bombs under testing are usually given human or simply exotic names: Priscilla, George, Whitney, Mike, King, Hornet, Trinity, Sugar, Fox, Magnolia, Orange, Romeo, Sunset, etc. The facts that many photos of nuclear explosions are published in separate albums, or that the websites giving detailed information and pictures of those explosions are enormously popular, reveals the high interest that our society has in the phenomenon of the atomic explosion. Atomic physics engineers have used these facts as a basis for inventing a mini atomic bomb. In collaboration with a travel agency, they have set up a joint project called Atomic bonsai.
The incomparable and promising travel agency Atomic bonsai welcomes you to an exotic trip where you can observe a mini atomic bomb being exploded in any continent.The mushroom cloud of this explosion is only about 100 metres high. The explosion is conducted by specific environmental pumps. The pumps absorb its dangerous radioactive waste, filter it with particular accelerators and finally turn it into absolutely harmless dust. Small boxes of this dust are available for the customers of the atomic travel agency as a unique souvenir.
The aim of Atomic bonsai artistic project – to present a travel agency that is an art project itself.
A project constists of:
a)internet website of travel agency Atomic bonsai.
b)fully equiped office of a travel agency with a professional female guide who presents activites of this agency.
c)Souvenirs, envelopes, flyers, posters and other promotion material of the travel agency.
d)Video film presenting Atomic bonsai trips.
e)Video object – made from opaque glass or plastic in a form of atomic explosion mushroom with a view of atomic explosion projected on it. The size of the video object depends on the size of the room designated for it but would not exceed 70 centimeters.