“Horizontal mobility is a change of position that does not have any effect on the elevation or demotion of an individual’s social status” ( from the textbook “Sociology” for 11-12th grades, chapter “Glossary of Sociological Terms”). The artist inserts this quote into the architecture of the courtyard of the CAC a horizontal surface with a text metaphorically merges with the environment of the exhibition. Though the quote chosen by the artist raises the problem of social and personal dynamics, this apparently meaningful term, transferred from the social to artistic context, deconstructs itself: it does not influence an individual’s social status.
CAC, Vilnius,
Art Pause
II.02 – II.24,
Curator: Kristina Inciuraite
Horizontalus mobilumas
tekstinė instaliacija
Citata ŠMC kiemelio horizontalioje architektūros detalėje – ant simboliško laipto vertikalios plokštumos, skiriančios dvi skirtingo lygio horizontalias plokštumas. “Horizontalus mobilumas – padėties pasikeitimas, nedarantis įtakos individo socialinio statuso paaukštinimui ar pažeminimui.” (iš vadovėlio 11-12 klasėms “Sociologija”, skyrius :”sociologijos terminų žodynas”)
Meno pauzė
2002.II.02 – II.24
Kuratorė: Kristina Inčiūraitė